Windows Server Migration, including applications. - Zinstall
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Windows Server Migration, including applications.

Server 2025 fully supported!

Among Our Customers

Zinstall WinServ migrates applications, settings, shares, profiles, data etc. from one Windows Server to another.

It supports Windows Server 2025, 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003, including 32-bit to 64-bit, physical to cloud, or cross-Windows-version migrations (such as 2003 to 2016).

Read on for more details, or contact us to get your migration started!

For a tutorial on how to migrate all applications, data, profiles and roles to Windows Server 2025, 2022 / 2019 / 2016, see the Server 2025, 2022 / 2019 / 2016 Migration How-To here.

WinServ is also available from IBM Services, as part of their full service package for large scale deployments. Contact your IBM account team in your region for more information.

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“We are totally happy with Zinstall results, and are impressed with the way it goes about migrating applications – even on obscure legacy servers. By our estimate, this is saving us from dozens to hundreds of hours per server.”

Robert “Rocky” Livingston | CIO and SVP of Operations, USAN

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Why do I need Zinstall WinServ?

WinServ transfers applications, settings, profiles, shares and data from one server to another. It is application-generic, so you the process works even if nobody remembers how to install all of the stuff running on the source server in the first place.
So if you are looking for a way to automate a large part of your server migration project, WinServ is the right tool for you.

(You do of course still need a professional driving the migration; WinServ does not transfer drivers, server roles such as DC / IIS / DNS, and cannot make incompatible applications into compatible ones – although this is a concern primarily when dealing with Server 2003 to Server 2019 migrations.)

Native migration

WinServ is not an application virtualization product. We actually perform a real, native migration: applications become natively installed on the new server, same way as what you’d get after a manual install (with their settings, data and connections in place, of course).

This way, you are not affected by app virtualization limitations, your applications can run normally, and you can migrate the entire stack in one go, without prep time for creating containers and troubleshooting app capture.

Migrate anything to anything

WinServ can transfer from physical to virtual (P2V, V2V, V2P), from one Cloud stack to another (Amazon, Azure, IBM and others), from 2003 or 2008 to 2016 / 2019 / 2022 / 2025 (and of course from Server 2016 to Server 2019 / 2022 / 2025), from 32bit to 64bit and so on.

Whenever you need to migrate from one Windows Server to another, you can probably do that using WinServ.

Resilient and comprehensive

Zinstall WinServ is made to make life easier for IT.

It is usable out of the box, and allows to start a migration immediately (no need for server-side installs, script builds etc.).

It is domain-aware, customizable and automatable for easy integration with existing corporate tools.
Its transfer includes custom-built software, in-house application stacks, user profiles, shares and permissions – everything that makes your servers work.
We understand the value of business continuity, and the importance of clean, efficient IT work.

Universally recommended

You don’t need to listen to us. Here is a long list of testimonials, and here are some press and industry reviews.

“Compared to how we used to do migrations, Zinstall WinServ is a complete transformation. Complex server migrations are performed with minimal stress, our ability to plan is improved and overall this allows us to service the business more effectively.”

Carla Wheeler | Global CIO & CISO, Heartland Alliance

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Choose which Transfer is Right for You

Standard Transfer

WinServ Product


  • Migrates applications, settings, shares, profiles,
    data from one Windows Server to another
  • Supports Windows Server 2025, 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003
  • Licensed per migrated server, quantity discounts
    available – contact us for a quote


Advanced transfer

WinServ Service


  • Remote server migration (performed by
    Zinstall engineers)
  • Use this option when you need to migrate server
    roles (Domain Controller, Active Directory, DNS, DHCP,
    profiles, shares and data)
  • Note that this package does not include application
    migration – just roles and shares.


Server role transfer – remote service

WinServ does not transfer server roles (such as (Domain Controller, Active Directory, IIS, Exchange, DNS, DHCP). While IIS and Exchange are not migratable, we can get other roles transferred for you (this is especially useful when you just need to migrate a small business server which controls the domain). As part of the Full Service package above, our server migration engineers will connect remotely to your servers at a time that works for you, and perform the migration for you.

For mission critical deployments, weekend and off-hours migrations are available – keeping your users unaffected by the migration.

Note that for Service Provider partners, our engineers will act as an extension of your team – your customer does not have any interaction with us (in fact, in most cases we don not even know who the customer is, and vice versa).